Girl.A man needs a woman.What is the definition of a man in a woman?One of the main poles of human identity is the need for a reliable man who can support her and provide her with all the necessities for living. And such a person should be young, attractive, and have a decent income. And it should be in a stable relationship.You should not hide your feelings and feelings. The main thing is not to pretend that you are not there. You should not go to extremes. True, you will have to, but it is better not to turn into a pathological narcissist. It will give you a way out of things, to show your true colors, expose your weaknesses. But as the saying goes, "Love is a man's best friend".And what is the definition of a healthy lady?A healthy lady is the perfect woman, beautiful, healthy, sassy, and fun. And at the same time she is smart, sympathetic, intelligent, and has a lot of charm. She has a lot of strength in her address, she uses charm, she can be a real goddess, she is very lively, she is charming and pleasant. And at the same time, she is not burdened with serious problems. She is not burdened with financial obligations, she is not afraid to get married, go to the registry office, and have children. She does not need to be married, she has her own happiness, she does not need a man's approval and supervision. The main thing is that she is not dependent on anyone.Because in women, the struggle for self-sufficiency is a very important part. If a man is not able to provide for himself and his family, it is not a good sign, because she will be able to raise a child, go to work, and she will not have time to think about the future. And a loved one needs time. And time is not the only thing that is not workable for a woman. She needs time to raise a child, to work, to do whatever she wants. And she can't work without earning money.She wants to spend time in a way that she wants to spend time. And if she doesn't have time, then she'll have to take care of it and save it.And how do I properly care for a girl?Firstly, you should save money. This usually happens when a man does not have enough money to buy food and clothes with it, and she doesn't have enough money to buy them. She needs to save money on family dinners, clothes, and toys. Secondly, you should not be too hard on a girl. She will probably be able to find a way to make up for any shortcomings in your appearance, and her shortcomings will not be too big. And she will be able to work on them, not be ashamed of